The John F. Kennedy Center’s arts in education research study An Impact Evaluation of Arts-Integrated Instruction Through the Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) Program found that “students in arts-integrated classrooms are more creative, engaged, and effective at problem-solving than their counterparts in non-arts-integrated classrooms.” Integrating the arts with quality, intentional SEL instruction provides an especially creative, dynamic, and engaging approach to SEL challenges at hand: character and life skill development, resisting drugs and alcohol, embracing diversity, bullying and violence prevention, managing one’s digital footprint, making the most of high school years in order to become college and career ready, all with the goal of being good citizens and empathetic, ethical individuals.
Click on the Art Guide or Music Guide below each bucket for videos, discussions, and activities to support student learning in the specific areas of SEL. If using the Music Guide, be sure to request the accompanying CD which contains the pieces studied in certain activities.
Art and Music Guides
Attendance and Achievement, College and Career Readiness
Bullying and Violence Prevention
Character and Life Skills
Digital Citizenship
Drug and Alcohol Prevention
Health and Wellness