The following video and print support covers topics in the following social and emotional learning (SEL) topics:
- Bullying and Violence Prevention, LGBTQ Bullying and Harassment
- Digital Citizenship
Marvin, a young gay man, talks about the harassment and bullying he endured in and out of school.
The Viewing Guide provides families and educators with facts, tips, resources, and reflection questions about the topic in the video. The Pre-viewing and Discussion Guide helps teachers prepare students to watch the video and discuss the story in detail afterwards.
Lesson Plans
The three lesson plans below explore different facets of the topic explored in the main story/video.
Teachers can select to do one, two, or all three lessons.
Lesson Plan 1
Don’t Judge a Book by Its CoverLesson Plan 2
Letters of Love: Supportive AcrosticLesson Plan 3
Speaking Out!
A Deeper Look and Reflection Pages
The Deeper Look videos explore the topic from different points of view. Each Deeper Look video is accompanied by printable Reflection Pages that can be used in classroom discussions or as written assignments as well as teacher professional development and parent support materials.
Craig Piaget
Student Reflection
Family Reflection
Teacher Reflection -
Michael Prudent
Student Reflection
Family Reflection
Teacher Reflection -
Dr. Jennifer Kelly
Student Reflection
Family Reflection
Teacher Reflection